First hour was taken by Gibi teacher.Teacher asked new students to give self introduction and also to say their strength. It was a very awesome moment. They singed songs and some do dramas for us. Later teacher taught us about educational psychology and it's nature. Before leaving the class, teacher quoted that " Life is more beautiful than we think, especially for those who knows to live. "✨ Gibi teachers class was very active and interesting 🤩 Next class was that of maya teacher. Teacher always enter our class with a pleseant smile in her face. Teacher taught us about psychological process that contributes to education, Sociological features related to education and finally teacher played a video containing beautiful words from Upanishad regarding education. " Asatoma Sad-Gamaya Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya Mrytyor-Maa Amritam Gamaya Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantihi" “By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man –body, mind, and spiri...